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Last Hurrah of Summer

We were recently invited to tag along with our daughter’s family and her in-laws to a great swimming spot prefect for little ones.  Enjoy the below photos!  Thanks, L & D for the invite, as well as Carolyn and Mike!!

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Home Sweet Home

Life couldn’t be any better!  We successfully moved into our new home and life is settling down as we organize, reassess, and finalize the unpacking of our belongings.  Each day brings new discoveries to which we are thankful…but especially to those of you who have supported and given your time to help with the insulation and the move.  Thank you from the bottom of both Mike’s and my heart!!

After what seems like an especially long time, we are finally rock-n-rolling to the end of this house building project!  Tomorrow we will sit down with the builder and close on our new home!  By Saturday, we will be moving boxes and, yes, some small pieces of furniture into the “house on the hill”!!!  Next weekend will be the “BIG” move.

As this project comes to an end, another one has just begun…how a city girl, like myself, learns to live in the country while managing  8 1/2 acres of land.  I hope you continue to follow along…maybe we can learn together!

A Change is on the Horizon!

Looks okay from this angle…

but not from this angle!

Refrig is too big…we neglected to measure for depth! So…. we ordered a smaller replacement today.

New Dryer.

One of my favorite places in the house…I love the light from this window!

Looking forward to using this in a couple of months!

Nearing the End!

So…..after the whirlwind of construction has calmed down, our new house has sat for almost three weeks without any progress!  Currently, we are at the point in this process where the builder is making corrections and doing minor touch-ups, as well as addressing major issues like the carpet.  Per a phone call from him this past week, everything should be finished by this Wednesday.  I’m assuming we’ll have to do another walk-through and if all is good, Mike and I are looking forward to finally getting a “move-in” date!!  Hopefully, all goes well and our “move-in” date will be sooner than later.

You might be asking…Where are those pics of Mary’s new house?  Well, the truth is, we are now in the “detail” phase of our house construction.  Sink..check!  Toilet..check!  Faucets..check!  etc.  These details preoccupy our every waking moment…Should “dry-stacking” really look like that?  How can I wash my hands with my a** hanging out the half-bath door frame?  Why is the carpet short 1/8 of inch from my closet baseboard?  You get my drift…right?  This week, Mike and I walked through the house giving it the “once-over” and made a “punch” list for our builder.  It’s getting close to move-in time!!  After some minor (and a couple of major, i.e. carpet) items have been completed to our satisfaction, and after the builder cleans the house, it will be time to move into our “house on the hill” (as a friend recently called it).  Which brings me to another point…a name for our “farm.”  In case you haven’t heard, our 8 1/2 acres rest on a sandy ridge and are bordered by a creek.  Here are a few name suggestions:  “Sandy Ridge Farm,” “Sand Ridge Farm,” “Creek’s Edge Farm,” “The Oasis Farm,” and “Sandy Hill Farm.”  Do you have a suggestion?  I’d love to hear it!!

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Honey Bunnies

Better late than never…for Easter (um-huh!) I knitted a bunny for each of my two grandchildren.  These bunnies are adorable (if I don’t say so myself) and stand approximately 8 – 8 1/2 inches tall.  Using a pattern from Debbie Bliss, I created these darlings with yarn remnants.  Like other Debbie Bliss toy patterns, the rabbit arms and legs are movable and the sweaters are removable (which they were in about 5 seconds of giving them to the girls)!

A New Home

You may be wondering where I’ve been these last couple of weeks…well, I’ve been busy with out-of-town family, a wedding, a weekend with my sisters & dad, and a little self-indulgence [trying to catch up on Season 4 of “Breaking Bad”]!  Since the house building continues at a phenomenal pace, I have posted only the latest photos and a video.  As I am not a videographer, please overlook my lack of video making skills!  ENJOY!

Here is the Video:

The Four (th) of July!!:

  • Fireworks
  • Family/Friends
  • Flags
  • Food

Happy fourth of July to all of you!  I hope the four “F”s found there way into your holiday.

Luxury seating!!

Threatening skies

Floating lantern

Wayward bubbles

All-American!! I WANT YOU!!

Primed and Ready

Here is a list of the newest and latest additions to our home:

  • Primed walls
  • Cabinets
  • Interior Doors
  • Woodworking
  • Steps
  • Front porch railing
  • Electric wiring from the transformer to the house
  • Geothermal heating/air conditioning
  • Leach field (in the correct area)
  • Eaves and Gutters

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Do you find yourself wondering what to do during these long, beautiful, summer weekends?  If you please…let me suggest the patronizing of your local fair/festival, the zoo, and the harvesting of veggies from a backyard vegetable garden for a light, quick and easy dinner.

Heeding my own advice, I spent some time with my daughter and two granddaughters this past weekend.  We enjoy ourselves at their local community festival on Saturday and on Sunday, we enjoyed a visit to their local zoo and was gifted, by my daughter, with the harvesting of some fresh veggies (from her garden) to take back home with me…these are the makings of a truly memorable adventure!

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